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Our Commitment

NOVA Montréal is dedicated to identifying and responding to unmet community needs through the development and delivery of high-quality, in-home healthcare services.Our goal is to continue our tradition of caring by providing in-home nursing and support services that help people remain independent and in the comfort of their own homes. 

Standards of Care & Service
Standards of Quality & Safety
Code of Ethics
Code of Conduct
Confidentiality Policy
Client Rights & Responsibilities

Standards of Care & Service

The World Health Organization’s principles of Primary Health Care and Quality Management form the basis of NOVA Montréal’s standards of care and service.


1. The client is the focus of care and service delivery.

2. Programs and services provided by NOVA Montréal make a significant contribution to the quality of life of clients through

  • the promotion of health and wellness;

  • the prevention and early detection of illness;

  • the provision of active health care services.

3. The relationship between the client and the service provider is an integral component of successful service delivery.

4. The client has the right to make informed choices with respect to service received.

5. The client-centric care provided by NOVA Montréal is based on current scientific standards and criteria.

Standards of Quality & Safety

NOVA Montréal is committed to upholding the highest quality of care and safety. Our mission, core values and code of ethics also prioritize the ongoing improvement of the quality of our services. As part of this quality management approach, we develop activities, resources and operational structures to ensure quality and safety at all levels of the organization. 


NOVA Montréal undertakes to promote and maintain the health and wellbeing of its clients and employees. We also strive to meet the expectations and needs of the clients, within the means available, by using the most efficient and safest practices, in accordance with the norms and policies of NOVA Montréal. This responsibility is shared by everyone involved: members of the Board of Directors, clients, members of the client’s family, caregivers, employees, volunteers, administrators and students. 


NOVA Montréal is accredited by the Conseil Québécois d’Agrément (CQA) as a testament to our continuous quality assessment and improvement. NOVA Montréal’s quality improvement plan is designed to objectively, systematically and continuously supervise, evaluate and improve the quality and the relevance of the services provided by our organization.


The Board of Directors and administration of NOVA Montréal agree to

  • assume leadership in a culture of commitment to quality, safety and ethics;

  • emphasize a philosophy of continuous quality improvement;

  • encourage the participation of all employees, volunteers and students in a mutual and integrated vision of quality, safety and ethics;

  • uphold the values demonstrated by those who are involved in the daily provision of care and services to clients;

  • acknowledge that the safety of all persons involved is an ongoing concern and implement tactics that conform to approved norms;

  • acknowledge and promote the rights and responsibilities of the client.

Code of Ethics

NOVA Montréal acknowledges that service and care based on ethical decision-making is essential for the success of the organization. Our code of ethics applies to the Board of Directors, employees, and volunteers of NOVA Montréal, including students visiting our organization for educational purposes. It serves as a set of values and basic moral principles to guide our operations.


The code of ethics is intended to outline the ethical behaviour expected from all persons attached to NOVA Montréal and assist in problem solving during situations of ethical dilemma. It is based on the core values of compassion, quality, respect and collaboration.



All members of the Board of Directors, employees, volunteers and students are responsible for carrying out the client’s plan of support in a competent, safe and ethical manner. They are held accountable for the responsibilities of their respective roles. They must use resources wisely and to give precedence to clients’ best interest.


Commitment to Quality Improvement

Quality is measured on an ongoing basis through numerous quality indicators. Organizational expertise is maintained through regular team meetings and professional development. Employees and volunteers also receive training to maintain their knowledge and skills. There is an established procedure for receiving client comments and complaints. 


Confidentiality and Protection of Information

Personal information regarding clients, employees and donors is confidential and may not be disclosed to third parties without consent. All information must be recorded accurately and communicated responsibly. All information must be destroyed responsibly and according to NOVA Montréal organizational policies. Access to information confers an obligation to protect client privacy and personal interests. To pursue quality improvement and as indicated on the ‘client consent to collection, use and disclosure of personal information’ document, clients, employees and donors may be contacted to participate in surveys concerning satisfaction with NOVA Montréal quality and services, and reviews by regulatory bodies.



All members of the Board of Directors, employees, volunteers and students shall act in the best interests of the client or organization and adhere to the NOVA Montréal Code of Conduct. They will avoid actions and circumstances that may appear to compromise good judgement or create a conflict between personal and professional interests. They are expected to declare existing and potential conflicts of interest promptly and attempt to resolve them in the best interests of all parties involved.


Fiscal Responsibility

The Board of Directors will ensure that the funds raised by the organization are used in a manner that is effective, efficient and in line with the organization’s goals.



Information presented in organizational documents and advertising to the general public is accurate and truthful.


Reasonable Response to Service Requests

NOVA Montréal will provide considerate and respectful care within the scope of our mission, limited only by the human and financial resources available at any given time. We deal fairly with clients, peers, the media and the general public.



The individual and his or her family are treated as one unit, with dignity. Support is offered to the client unit by providing the information needed to make knowledgeable decisions about services and care. All efforts are made to observe and respect cultural and religious norms and preferences when dealing with clients.



All members of the Board of Directors, employees, volunteers and students shall follow NOVA Montréal’s policies, procedures, training and instructions to protect the safety and wellbeing of all parties involved. Their conduct or acts of omission shall not cause harm to others (physical, psychological, emotional other). 



Information is available regarding expectations of care, program fees and funding received. All reports to government bodies are timely and accurate. Financial accounting procedures are audited annually by an impartial third-party. The general public is welcome to attend NOVA Montréal’s Annual General Meetings.

Code of Conduct

All employees are expected to obey the laws of Canada and the province of Quebec and to respect the standards set forth by the provincial professional regulating bodies. All members of the Board of Directors, employees, volunteers and students are expected to adhere to the NOVA Montréal Code of Conduct.


Honest and Ethical Behaviour

An employee or volunteer must not knowingly make false, inaccurate or misleading statements. Employees and volunteers will deal fairly with clients, co-workers and other individuals encountered during their work. All individuals will be treated with respect regardless of race, creed, colour, gender identity, sexual orientation or financial status. The reputation of NOVA Montréal will be protected by all personnel.


Gifts and Benefits

Employees or volunteers of NOVA Montréal will not accept, solicit nor offer gifts of money or items of significant value from clients. They may accept a non-monetary gift such as chocolate on special occasions. Employees or volunteers will not solicit clients from NOVA Montréal for their own personal gain.



Employees or volunteers of NOVA Montréal will respect the privacy of others by protecting confidential information. Employees or volunteers must not use information accessed through the course of their employment with NOVA Montréal for personal gain.


Use of Property

Equipment and supplies provided by NOVA Montréal to its employees or volunteers shall not be used for any other purpose than the use intended by NOVA Montréal.


Conflict of Interest

The primary business loyalty of employees shall be to NOVA Montréal. Any conflict of interest should be disclosed as soon as it is known.


Professional Behaviour

All members of the Board of Directors, employees, volunteers and students shall behave in a professional and courteous manner. Employees will wear the uniform colours of navy blue and white when working with the client and while representing the organization to the public. Individuals are identified as employees of NOVA Montréal by wearing the organization’s pin and the identification badge. Employees and volunteers will dress in a conservative manner, keeping in mind the requirements of their respective role. Acceptable attire includes casual business attire. Décolletage, jeans, leggings, short shorts or miniskirts are not acceptable. Perfume and scented creams are to be avoided. Nova Montréal expects the loyalty of its employees. Breaches in trust constitute grave fault and may result in dismissal.

Confidentiality Policy

NOVA Montréal is committed to protecting personal privacy of all members of the Board of Directors, employees, volunteers, students, clients, partners and donors. 


Except as required by law and excluding information that can be released under federal, provincial or NOVA Montréal policies and procedures, members of the Board of Directors, employees, volunteers or students may not 

  • access data that is unrelated to his or her duties; 

  • disclose any confidential information to any other person, corporation or entity, other than those listed on a consent form signed by the individual or designated person; 

  • remove or permit the removal of materials containing confidential information from the NOVA Montréal premises, service delivery locations including clients’ homes or any other places of program delivery, except in permitted activities. 

Any breach of confidentiality or perceived breach may result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment or student/volunteer placement.


Client Rights & Responsibilities


As a NOVA Home Care client, you have the right

  • to receive considerate and respectful care, with recognition of your personal dignity, individuality and reasonable cultural needs;

  • to participate in the development of your care plan and to receive an explanation of any services suggested, changes in service and alternative services that may be available;

  • to be fully informed of the consequences of all aspects of care, unless medically contraindicated, including the possible results of refusal of medical treatment, counselling or other services;

  • to refuse medication, treatment, counselling or services without fear of reprisal or discrimination;

  • to the protection of all personal information, which will be treated confidentially. No information regarding an individual’s health, care provided, social or financial circumstances or care will be given out without written consent from the client unit;

  • to have your compliments, concerns and complaints addressed, without compromise to your care, treatment or services.


As a NOVA Home Care client, you have the responsibility

  • To provide full information about your medical condition to ensure proper evaluation and optimal care;

  • To carry out mutually agreed responsibilities as discussed with your care provider and noted in your care plan;

  • To show courtesy and respect to NOVA Home Care personnel, including not smoking during visits;

  • To provide a safe environment for caregiving;

  • To inform your care provider if a treatment hurts you or makes you feel uncomfortable in any way – physically, emotionally or psychologically; 

  • To ask questions about your care until you fully understand;

  • To make sure you understand the consequences of refusing a treatment or service;

  • To cancel or reschedule in a timely manner, if unable to keep an appointment;

  • To keep your NOVA Home Care chart in a safe place and to return it when your care plan has ended.

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